You don't have to give me some bullshit answer, it's okay. I don't know what I want to do with my life either.
How does anyone really know if they haven't had the actual experience of what they want to do? How can you know until you taste it?
I mentioned earlier that I think you should dedicate a lot of time towards figuring out what you want. I believe quite decisively that the more time you spend spending learning what you want, the happier you will become in life. And how quickly that happens depends on how often you put yourself in unfamiliar, maybe scary positions. Avoiding what is comfortable and routine.
I've done enough venturing in the past four years to start to understand at least a little bit of what I do and don't want. I was happiest last year when I was organizing statewide conferences, traveling to a different campus every month, putting together insane rallies and sleeping in the EVP office, singing in rehearsals and concerts, and partying with friends probably four times a week. I was unhappiest most recently when I was sitting at a desk researching policy from 9-5 every day.
On some level, this kind of worries me. I need variety to an extreme level. I need human interaction at almost all times. I want a lifestyle as stimulating as the one I had in college. Does such a life exist post-graduation?

Sometimes I worry about these things that I want. I jokingly call my condition "life ADD". This isn't an ideal condition to have. It makes me do things like date twenty two people in four months (this could probably be its own post, but maybe another time). It makes me do things I would classify as "questionable". It makes me quit a perfectly decent job in the vague pursuit of "something better". It makes me decide on a new career path EVERY OTHER DAY.
And you know, I'm sure this will change once I become a grown up. It's happening already to some of my friends who are totally content with a simple routine and a predictable 9-5, so I'm sure some day once I play catch-up I'll be fine with this life too. But I'm not ready for that. Not yet.
I still don't know what I want to do with my life. But I'm not gonna waste any more time doing what I know I don't want to do. I quit my job, and a lot of people think I'm crazy for that. Now, I'm thinking of moving back home, saving money, and traveling for the next year +. Bringing on all the new experiences it has to offer.
If you want to do something like that too, you should. We shouldn't live by anyone else's standards. There's no "right" way to do it. All anyone can hope for is that we're living our lives with some fucking guts. #YOLO. I'm out.