Someone on the internet suggested that I add a bunch of additional stats to that last post I wrote about my fun dating experiences, so I spent my entire Saturday night drawing pie charts. I discovered that I'm a huge nerd when it comes to analyzing data from my love life; I got way more excited than I should have figuring all this stuff out.
These numbers obviously aren't a super accurate reflection of my experiences, but I thought it would be a fun thing to look at given the fact that my dating spreadsheet on Google Docs is pretty much the most detailed spreadsheet I've ever created. Why I chose dating as the part of my life in which I am the most organized, I'm still not sure.
Here are the original stats to refresh your memory:
Total # of first dates: 42
How many turned into second + dates: 23, so about 55%.
31% turned into 3 + !
Longest hang-out: 3 months
Shortest hang-out: 1 hour
How contact was first established:
And here are the new ones!