August 22, 2015

Eat Clean, Train Mean: My Fitness Journey

Getting in shape is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. But it’s also the most worthwhile.

May 3, 2015

Be A Better Human: Self-Growth in a Post-College World

Post-grad life is radically different from life as a student in many ways, none of which I was the least bit prepared to deal with upon graduating college and becoming a real person.

March 1, 2015

Post-Grad Dating Part 2: More Statistics than You'll Ever Care to Know

Someone on the internet suggested that I add a bunch of additional stats to that last post I wrote about my fun dating experiences, so I spent my entire Saturday night drawing pie charts.  I discovered that I'm a huge nerd when it comes to analyzing data from my love life; I got way more excited than I should have figuring all this stuff out. 

These numbers obviously aren't a super accurate reflection of my experiences, but I thought it would be a fun thing to look at given the fact that my dating spreadsheet on Google Docs is pretty much the most detailed spreadsheet I've ever created.  Why I chose dating as the part of my life in which I am the most organized, I'm still not sure.

Here are the original stats to refresh your memory: 

Total # of first dates: 42

How many turned into second + dates: 23, so about 55%. 
31% turned into 3 + ! 

Longest hang-out: 3 months 

Shortest hang-out: 1 hour

How contact was first established: 

And here are the new ones! 

February 14, 2015

Adventures in Post-Grad Dating

It's Valentine's Day today so I figured I should probably blog about romance.  And then I remembered that I don't really know anything about romance because I've been single for the last three Valentine's Days, and the other 1,092 days in between as well.  But although relationships are a mystifying puzzle that I remain woefully ignorant of, there is indeed one thing that I have become a grand ultimate master of in my three years of singlehood.  That thing is the art of serial dating.

For some reason that term looks menacing, maybe because you probably associate it with serial murdering, so I'll elaborate.  After graduating college and ending my last relationship, I realized that 1) I had no idea how I was going to meet guys outside the bubble of the university experience, and 2) I had never actually participated in casual dating before in my life.  In college, I engaged pretty consistently in long-term relationships, and so became overcome with a burning desire to explore what else was out there.