Lady Gaga has 53 million fans on Facebook and Obama has less than half of that. Democrats don't even get a million. My social justice nonprofit has under 2,000. I feel like people care the most about things that don't change their lives. The more something can possibly change our life, the less we want to pay attention to it. Adorable kittens and celebrity drama don't matter, but we invest a lot in them.

If I could get 245,622 likes for taking a webcam picture of myself...
We're so used to paying attention to things that don't matter that when something comes along that does matter, we don't really know what to do. It takes too long to understand and it involves something like "action" and it doesn't have fur and it doesn't come in a meme and I don't even think Jon Stewart mentioned it.
And then we panic because we need to do something that matters, so we try to help babies in Africa because those babies need our help, damnit, and when someone tries to explain to us that it's probably better to focus on the starving people in our own county and that we have a lot of problems here we say "Huh? What problems?" and we refuse to think about our problems because it's more comforting to decide the problems are in a faraway developing country and the people that need help aren't any that we associate with.

I wish that everyone wasn't scared of politics because
The personal is political.
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